QTaxi, a brand of Qaloob Al Ikhwan Company in Makkah, is dedicated to providing reliable, comfortable, and efficient transportation services to pilgrims and visitors in the holy city.

Frequently asked questions

Question & Answers

Simply download the Q-Taxi app, choose your pick-up and drop-off locations, select your vehicle type, and confirm the booking. You’ll receive real-time updates on your driver and vehicle.
You can pay using a variety of methods including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, or in-cash, depending on your preference.
After booking your ride, the app will provide you with the driver’s name, vehicle details, and contact information for safety.
Yes, Q-Taxi allows you to schedule rides in advance for a specific time and date, ensuring you're always on time.
Yes, with Q-Taxi, you can easily book a ride that picks up your friends from different locations. Simply add multiple pick-up points in the app, and the driver will collect everyone before heading to the final destination.
Q-Taxi is expanding its reach, and we are currently available in major cities. You can check if our services are available in your city by downloading the app or visiting our website.
